Catalog API
You can get catalog data from your Limio app via our Catalog REST API.
See below for full documentation: Limio Catalog REST API Documentation
Last updated
You can get catalog data from your Limio app via our Catalog REST API.
See below for full documentation: Limio Catalog REST API Documentation
Last updated
This API allows you to perform bulk update operations on Limio catalog items (such as offers, add-ons etc.). This can be useful for updating multiple items at once, for example, when you want to update the price of multiple offers at the same time.
Retrieves all the products in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these products (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved products and pagination is activated.
Amount of records found on the catalog responding the query
Products retrieved
query more object used for pagination
the commitId from the index used to query
Retrieves all the journeys in the Catalog
The starting point of the journey
The fallback tag for the journey
The list of journeys
Retrieves all the segments in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these segments (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved segments and pagination is activated.
Amount of records found on the catalog responding the query
Segments retrieved
query more object used for pagination
the commitId from the index used to query
Retrieves all the assets in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these assets (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved assets and pagination is activated.
Amount of records found on the catalog in response to the query
Assets retrieved
query more object used for pagination
the commitId from the index used to query
Retrieves all the campaigns in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these campaigns (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved campaigns and pagination is activated.
Amount of records found on the catalog responding the query
header with information about the requested data
Campaigns retrieved
query more object used for pagination
Retrieves all the standalone offers in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these offers (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved offers and pagination is activated.
Note: this API will return only standalone offers (that contain the path /offers2). If you want to retrieve all offers in the catalog, including legacy offers (that contain the path /offers AKA campaigns), please use the getOffers endpoint.
V2 offers are offers that are created using the new offer creation flow. They are standalone offers that are not part of a campaign, but can be attached to campaigns / pages using labels. They are created using the new offer creation flow and are more flexible than legacy offers.
V2 offers can also be versioned - you can find out more about offer versioning at the following resources:
Amount of records found on the catalog in response to the query
Offers retrieved
query more object used for pagination
the commitId from the index used to query
Retrieves all the offers in the Catalog matching the specified queries. It will retrieve an object containing a number for the amount of hits that responded to the query, an array with the details of these offers (limited to the pageSize property, default to 50) and a queryMore object for continuing query if the amount of hits exceeded the retrieved offers and pagination is activated.
Note: this API will return all offers in the catalog, including legacy offers (that contain the path /offers AKA campaigns), and standalone offers (that contain the path /offers2). If you want to retrieve only V2 offers, please use the getOffersV2 endpoint.
Amount of records found on the catalog in response to the query
Offers retrieved
query more object used for pagination
the commitId from the index used to query